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Install development environment

Python package

> python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/kiara
> source ~/.venvs/kiara/bin/activate
> pip install 'kiara[dev_all]'
Successfully installed ... ... ...
> kiara --help
Usage: kiara [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

In addition to the kiara package, you'll need to install plugin packages, for example:

> pip install kiara_plugin.core_types kiara_plugin.tabular


> conda create -n kiara python=3.10
> conda activate kiara
> conda install -c conda-forge -c dharpa kiara

And also plugin packages, like:

> conda install -c conda-forge -c dharpa kiara_plugin.core_types kiara_plugin.tabular

Note, the conda install does not include development dependencies, so you'll need to either install those manually, or use pip:

> pip install 'kiara[dev_all]'